2019 Policy Priorities
Fair Housing Data Transparency (HB6892): Through an amendment to CGS Sec. 8-37t, consolidate existing housing data collection requirements and ensure that all relevant state agencies report housing information to allow for a full understanding of the state’s subsidized housing inventory and an assessment of progress on legal obligations to counteract a legacy of government policies that intentionally created housing segregation (the “affirmatively further fair housing” obligation). More...
Status: Public hearing held 2/14 (Housing Committee) More...
State Zoning Administration (HB 6749): Amend the state’s Zoning Enabling Act, CGS Sec. 8-2, to fulfill Connecticut’s federal and state fair housing legal obligations by ensuring that municipal zoning supports housing integration. More...
Status: URGENT! Call your Senator! More...
Expanded Housing Authority Jurisdiction (HB 7067): Amend CGS 8-39 et seq. to permit housing authorities to adopt expanded areas of operation that extend to higher opportunity areas within 30 miles of their municipal borders. More...
Status: Public hearing held 2/14 (Housing Committee) More...
*The following bills will be revisited next session:
- Open Choice Vouchers Pilot: Amend CGS Sec. 8-345 to create specialized housing vouchers available to families participating in the Open Choice program who would like to move to the higher opportunity community where their child attends school or a similar higher opportunity area. More...
Status: Public hearing held 2/7 (Housing Committee) More...
Reinstatement of the Affirmatively Furthering Private Right of Action: In 1991 the Legislature passed a bill intended to require state housing agencies to intentionally work to unwind segregation. In 2006 the CT Supreme Court determined that this law was unenforceable. This proposal recognizes that we need a more robust approach for addressing housing segregation. More...
Status: Referred to Housing Committee More...
Municipal Plans of Conservation and Development Fair Housing Accountability: Amend CGS 8-23 to address the fact that while municipal Plans of Conservation and Development (POCD) are required to make provision for multifamily housing and promote housing choice and economic diversity in line with the state’s housing needs, municipal POCDs are not reviewed by the state and there is no incentive to comply with these fair housing obligations. This proposal would require compliance with these provisions in order for towns to access state discretionary funding and create a review process at the state level adopting specific criteria developed by an expert working group. More...
Status: Public Hearing held 3/6 (Planning & Development Committee) More...
Multifamily Housing Zones: This proposal would permit "as of right" establishment of multifamily zones within a half mile of fixed route transit stops. More...
Status: Public hearing held 2/13 (Planning & Development Committee) More...