Proposal: Through an amendment to CGS Sec. 8-37t, consolidate existing housing data collection requirements and ensure that all relevant state agencies report housing information to allow for a full understanding of the state’s subsidized housing inventory and an assessment of progress on legal obligations to counteract a legacy of government policies that intentionally created housing segregation (the “affirmatively further fair housing” obligation). This bill would require that the progress assessment be included in the federally-mandated five-year Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan. These planning tools would also be required to articulate specific geographic housing investment goals based on opportunity mapping and regional affordable housing allocations and report on progress towards goals.
- Proposed Language
- Fact Sheet
- Fair Housing Working Group Data Subcommittee Findings
- Fair Housing Data Needs White Paper
- Data Deficits Point-by-Point Analysis
Status of Bills:
- H.B. 6081 - Referred to Housing Committee (1/24)
- H.B. 6892 - Public Hearing to be held 2/14 (Housing Committee)