Step 2: Balance!





According to the best available data – which has not been updated since 2012 – almost 90% of government-subsidized housing is located outside of areas with high performing schools and safe streets. We need to ensure that subsidized housing is located in all communities in a manner that creates true housing choices and avoids generating poverty concentration anywhere. Unfortunately, the current pattern makes it almost impossible for struggling communities – which are disproportionately communities of color – to access the essential resources necessary to thrive.

There are five components to bringing balance and fairness to the provision of subsidized housing:

Component 1: One comprehensive list. Generate a comprehensive list of government-supported housing. This should include information about accessibility for people with mobility challenges, number of bedrooms per unit, development financing, and more.



  Subsidized Housing Locations in CT. On this "Opportunity Map," the darkest orange shading indicates "very high opportunity" census tracts with greater access to strong schools, safe streets, employment and other opportunities. The lightest shaded areas, or very low opportunity areas, are almost completely obscured by the blue dots reflecting the presence of government-subsidized housing. Source: Preservation List maintained by CHFA through 2012.
  87% of subsidized housing units are located outside of higher opportunity, according to the best available data, which is missing crucial information, like project cost and bedroom counts, and has not been updated since 2012.

It should also include non-personally identifiable data on where people using tenant-based vouchers, like the Housing Choice Voucher and Rental Assistance Program, are living. This data is currently not publicly reported, but it is collected.

Centralizing all of this data will streamline the state’s process of producing the many reports it is obligated to do under state and federal law.


Component 2: Specific goals. Articulate specific goals for the location of new investments of government subsidized units that work to both revitalize struggling communities and create access to high resource communities in a manner that “affirmatively furthers fair housing” – that is, intentionally counteracts our shared history of intentional segregation, in accordance with federal and state laws.


Component 3: Meaningful affirmative marketing. Strengthen existing laws that require marketing across racial lines on the part of developers and managers of buildings that receive state funding.


Component 4Out-of-district replacement housing. Allow housing authorities to create or support housing options outside of their jurisdiction, if that is the desire of their tenants in buildings undergoing rehabilitation.


Component 5: Support CT’s affordable housing protections. Connecticut’s 27-year-old law, CGS Sec. 8-30g (the Affordable Housing Appeals Act), protects us against unfair or discriminatory decisions about where affordable housing can be built. It must be protected.


  • Open Communities Alliance
  • 75 Charter Oak Avenue
  • Suite 1-200
  • Hartford, CT 06106
  • Phone: 860-610-6040