2022 Policy Priorities

In 2022, we recommended the follow measures to promote integrated housing choices:

(1) Adopt Fair Share Planning and Zoning. In accordance with existing law, including the federal and state Fair Housing Acts, the state Zoning Enabling Act (CGS Sec. 8-2), municipal Plan and Conservation and Development obligations under CGS Sec. 8-23, and the state constitutional anti-segregation clause (Article First, Section 20), adopting a state and municipal planning regime that ensures proper implementation of longstanding zoning obligations by directing the state and towns to plan for and implement strategies to ensure that affordable housing is available in every town in the state on a fair share basis - meaning every town zones to allow enough affordable housing to meet its appropriate share of the regional need.

Click here for more information.  

Relevant Bill: HB 5204

(2) Protect Licensed Home Childcare. This is the signature legislative proposal of All Our Kin, a national nonprofit that trains, supports, and sustains family childcare educators, simultaneously supporting local entrepreneurs, parents and children in Connecticut. This bill prohibits municipalities from placing special zoning or operational restrictions on group child care homes. It also extends the requirement that the Office of Early Childhood inspects for evident sources of lead poisoning during licensing inspections of group child care homes that are located in residences. The Legislative Commissioners' Office has determined that there will be no fiscal impact due to this legislation.

Relevant Bill: SB 291

  • Open Communities Alliance
  • 60 Popieluszko Court
  • 2nd Floor
  • Hartford, CT 06106
  • Phone: 860-610-6040