Prescription for a New Neighborhood: Housing mobility can complement community revitalization for children with serious health challenges

Philip Tegeler and Salimah Hankins, Shelterforce magazine, Spring 2012, available here

"The association between residential segregation and minority health disparities is widely documented. David Williams, a professor at the Harvard School of Public Health, calls segregation 'a fundamental cause of racial disparities in health in the United States.' These effects are of particular concern for vulnerable children. As professor Dolores Acevedo-Garcia of Brandeis University has observed, 'although neighborhood conditions may influence health outcomes in all age groups, exposure to neighborhood disadvantage during childhood may be particularly harmful, as the effects of this exposure may continue into adolescence and adulthood.'"

  • Open Communities Alliance
  • 60 Popieluszko Court
  • 2nd Floor
  • Hartford, CT 06106
  • Phone: 860-610-6040