Finding A Place To Live Is Main Concern For Many Puerto Rican Evacuees, Ryan Caron King, Nov. 21, 2017, available here
But finding longer-term housing will be even harder, especially for lower-income families, who face long waitlists for subsidized housing programs.
“To begin with, we know that we have an affordable housing shortage in Connecticut already -- this is before anyone from Puerto Rico who needs housing arrives,” said Erin Boggs, who runs Open Communities Alliance, a civil rights nonprofit that works in housing policy.
“One thing the displacement of people in Puerto Rico who are now coming to Connecticut has revealed, is this sort of underbelly of problems with the affordable housing market in Connecticut,” she said.
Boggs is concerned that the affordable housing that is available is concentrated in high-poverty neighborhoods. And those areas, she said, don’t have the resources to take in an additional low-income population.