Everyone Pays A Hefty Price for Segregation, Study Says, Nick Chiles, NPR Code Switch, March 31, 2017, available here
The researchers analyzed segregation patterns in the 100 largest metropolitan areas in the country and found that if Chicago — the fifth most racially and economically segregated city in the country — were to lower its level of segregation to the national median of those 100 cities, it would have a profound impact on the entire Chicago region, including raising the region's gross domestic product, raising incomes and lowering the homicide rate.
"Segregation is not only an issue in low-income communities or communities of color," the report says. "Economic and racial segregation has strangled opportunities for millions of people. Disinvestment has devastated entire city neighborhoods and suburban villages, towns and cities. Lack of diversity also hurts affluent communities, where limited housing options often mean that young people cannot afford to return when starting their own families, retirees cannot afford to stay and valued employees are priced out. Add it up, and it's clear that segregation holds back the entire region's economy and potential —and whether we realize it or not, it's costing all of us."