This series is being hosted by the Fairfield Museum and History Center and Westport Museum for History and Culture. We are grateful for our co-sponsors: CT Legal Services, Fairfield Affordable Housing Committee (AHC), First Church Congregational, Saugatuck Congregational Church, and TEAM Westport.
PART I: Segregated by Design: How did we get here?
Join us to explore the history of government policies that contributed to residential segregation, both nationally and in Connecticut. We will examine the ways in which government policies shaped where affordable housing is located - or not located - throughout Fairfield County. A short film based on the book The Color of Law by Richard Rothstein will be shown before delving into local history, the impact of segregation, and the experiences of local community members.
Guest Speakers: Ramin Ganeshram of the Fairfield Museum and History Center, Erin Bogss of Open Communities Alliance, Harrold Bailey, and Dr. Judith Hamer of TEAM Westport.
Event Moderator: Reverend David SpollettFirst Church Fairfield
Event Materials:
- Part I Video Recording
- The History and Impact of Residential Segregation in Fairfield County, Presented by Erin Boggs, Esq.
- Segregated by Design documentary
PART II: De-Designing Strategies to Unwind Residential Segregation
Please join us for an exploration of innovative strategies being used around the country to counteract the history of intentional government segregation. We will consider the role of towns, regions, and the state in "unwinding" segregation, with a particular focus on the role the generation of mixed-income communities, can play in creating a more equitable and sustainable Connecticut.
Guest Speakers: Professor John Brittain of the University of the District of Columbia, Professor Anika Singh Lemar of Yale Law School, Erin Boggs of Open Communities Alliance.
Event Moderator: Reverend Alison Patton of Saugatuck Congregational Church
Event Materials:
- Video Recording Part 2
- Zoning to Promote Equity, Presented by Anika Singh Lemar, Clinical Associate Professor of Law, YaleLaw School.
- The Case for Addressing Segregation and Confronting Myths around Affordable Housing, Presented by Erin Boggs, Executive Director of OCA.
- Local History in Westport, Presented by Nicole Carpenter, Director of Programs and Education for the Westport Museum for History and Culture.
- “The Science of Opportunity: Using Big Data to Create Better Outcomes for America's Children” short video