Zoning in Connecticut
With 169 towns and over 169 separate zoning ordinances due to town subsections, zoning in Connecticut presents a number of challenges. This is particularly true in a state found to have the most restrictive zoning in the country that prevents low-income children from accessing the state’s most successful schools.
What can we do to change this?
- Support and improve inclusive laws like the Affordable Housing Appeals Act and the Housing for Economic Growth Program (also known as HomeCT or the Incentive Housing Zone Program).
- Support efforts to collect and analyze zoning data. See one effort to do this.
- Develop a fair share housing plan that allocates affordable housing equitably across all towns.
- Work within your town to institute inclusive zoning. Sign up to help with this!
Zoning Resources
Fragments of Regionalism: State and Regional Planning in Connecticut at Century's End, Terry Tondro, 1999
Housing Costs, Zoning, and Access to High-Scoring Schools, Jonathan Rothwell, 2012