Publications | Presentations/PowerPoints |
Hebron, CT
Leveraging Housing Resources to Generate Access to Opportunity
September 17, 2020
Constance Baker Motley Racial Inequality Speaker Series, sponsored by the CT Bar Foundation, CT Bar Association, James Cooper Fellow
Leveraging Opportunity Access to Counter the History of Intentional Segregation
August 12, 2020
Part 2
De-Designing Segregation: Strategies to Unwind Residential Segregation
November 20, 2019 | Saugatuck Congregational church
Zoning to Promote Equity, Presented by Anika Singh Lemar, Clinical Associate Professor of Law, YaleLaw School.
The Case for Addressing Segregation and Confronting Myths around Affordable Housing, Presented by Erin Boggs, Executive Director of OCA.
Local History in Westport, Presented by Nicole Carpenter, Director of Programs and Education for the Westport Museum for History and Culture.
Part 1
Segregated by Design: How did we get here?
November 7, 2019 | Fairfield Museum and History Center
Democracy for Connecticut/CCAG
October 3, 2019
Can we create better housing choices and thriving communities in Fairfield County?
Housing Mobility and Economic Opportunity: Connecting Research to Policy, Presented by Sebi Devlin-Flotz, Policy Associate at Opportunity Insights, September 26, 2019.
Creating Mixed Income Communities in Glastonbury, Presentation to Truth in Action with Love and Kindness (TALK) and Community Partners, August 27, 2019
Expanding Housing Choice For Better Health Outcomes, Presentation to the Curtis D. Robinson Center for Health Equity- Community Health Liaison Meeting, August 5, 2019
Expanding Housing Choice for Better Health Outcomes, Presentation to Adover, Bolton, Hebron, and Marlborough Democratic Town Committees, June 27, 2019
Introduction to Healthy Housing Vouchers, Presentation to Dept. of Public Health- Healthy Homes, May 6, 2019
Building Equity into Planning: Tools and Challenges, Presentation to the Southern New England American Planning Association, September 24, 2015
Housing Choice for Health, Presentation to the CT Health Equity Commission, June 16, 2015
Mobility iForum, Partnership for Strong Communities, May 21, 2015 - all presentations
How to Create Housing Choice: Norwalk, Presentation to the Norwalk Fair Housing Advisory Commission and the Norwalk Branch NAACP, May 12, 2015
Providing Choice: Housing Mobility Counseling Programs, Fair Housing Association of Connecticut annual conference, April 23, 2015
Welcoming Diversity: Hartford County Presentation