Are you having trouble using your voucher?
Can't find a place you can afford with your voucher?
Can't live in the area you want to?
Having trouble finding a unit that is approved?
Landlords have extra requirements you don't meet?
Have you experienced discrimination? What could discrimination look like?
"We don't accept vouchers"
"Your income has to be at least three times the rent"
Landlords not getting back to you
Landlords discriminate for all kinds of reasons (see the Protected Classes on the right) and it may not be obvious that they are discriminating, or why they are discriminating.
Discrimination is more likely when a family has several of these characteristics, for example, when the family is Black, has children, and is using a housing subsidy like a Housing Choice Voucher (aka Section 8).
How OCA could help you!
- Provide tips for your housing search.
- Help you cut through the voucher red tape.
- Investigate possible discrimination.
- Advocate on your behalf to request an extension or exception.
- Walk you through the process of using your voucher.
- Ensure you know your rights as a voucher holder.
- Connect you with resources.
You may call our intake line at 860-610-6040 x3590 or complete this form.
Other Resources
Check out OCA's Mobility App to see what your voucher is worth in other towns.
Read "Putting the Fair Housing Laws to Work for You"