Fair Share for Connecticut


Connecticut faces both an affordable housing and segregation crisis. We are the 8th least affordable state in the nation and one of the most racially and economically segregated. And these challenges are taking a significant toll on the state’s families and our budget. We need a new strategy. Could a “fair share” housing regime put the state on the road to greater equity and economic vitality by allocating to each town in Connecticut an appropriate share of affordable housing that considers town resources and ensures municipal vibrancy?
During the past academic year, Open Communities Alliance has worked with a team of graduate students from New York University’s Wagner School for Public Service to explore fair share housing planning. Join us to learn about how such planning has faired elsewhere around the country and options for implementation in Connecticut.
Limited seats available! Please RSVP below as soon as possible!
May 05, 2017 at 10:00am - 12:30pm
Community Foundation for Greater New Haven
70 Audubon St
New Haven, CT 06510
United States
Google map and directions
Lisa Dabrowski · · 860-610-6040 x3512
Roland Lemar Dan Britton Sean Ghio Matt Ranelli Amanda Kennedy Gioia Connell

Will you come?

  • Open Communities Alliance
  • 60 Popieluszko Court
  • 2nd Floor
  • Hartford, CT 06106
  • Phone: 860-610-6040