Busing of Pupils Rejected at Hearing in Glastonbury, April 22, 1966
Busing Opponent Praises Supporters, April 23, 1966
Suburbs Told Again They Must Help the Core City, March 15, 1970
HUD Refuses Glastonbury Approval to Use $850,000, April 22, 1978
HUD Lets Up on Glastonbury, July 22, 1978
New York Times Connecticut Journal, August 6, 1978
Glastonbury Denied Funds Due to Record on Housing, August 26, 1978
Glastonbury Says Thanks, But No Thanks to $64,800, November 29, 1978
Glastonbury Zoners Reject Plan for Lower Income Housing, May 8, 1979
Glastonbury Pulls Grant Application, May 18, 1979
Government Sues Glastonbury on Bias in Housing, December 2, 1980
Federal Harassment, December 3, 1980
US v. Glastonbury Consent Decree, November 17, 1982
Hartford v. Glastonbury: History and Aftermath, Spring 1989
Court Rulings Trouble Housing Advocates, August 1, 1999
*Sheff v. O’Neill plaintiffs’ housing files, digitized by Jack Dougherty and students at Trinity College